Monday, February 1, 2010

Get clean and save some green

Wisconsin winters are hard on our cars, what with all the salt and sand from the road making everything a dull grey and the ice that can build up. It can be damaging to the finish and undercarriage of a vehicle to leave that on too long.

We'd like to help you have a little money while protecting the investment you have in your vehicles. Readers of our blog can save 10% on any car wash at Pro-Image Car Wash in Monroe or receive $10 off any vehicle detail in the month of February. Simply mention Cheese Country Realtors or Luis to receive your discount.

Pro-Image had a full equipment rehaul in recent years, and all equipment and chemicals used have been updated to be both highly effective and respect the environment. This is not a touchless system, and what a difference that makes. The soft foam system is wonderful at getting a car to shine, and the polishes used help protect your vehicle until the next time you come through. The soft foam brushes creates friction which allows Pro-Image to use significantly less water and gentler cleaning solutions while still getting your car cleaner. (Touchless systems rely heavily on large quantities of water and frequently harsh chemical to clean your car.) Also, the water used is processed properly through the city's waste treatment system, and nothing ends up in the storm sewers like when someone washes a car in their driveway.

Pro-Image is located at 606 10th St next to Monroe Honda on Monroe's West Side, and as co-owners, we are proud to say that it is 100% locally owned and operated. Stop in Monday through Saturday from 8 am until 6 pm or Sunday 8 am until 5 pm. Remember to mention Cheese Country Realtors or Luis to receive your discount. (If you haven't met Luis in person yet, you pronounce his name Louie.) Call 608-329-4666 to set up a full or partial vehicle detail by appointment.

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