Friday, February 20, 2009

What makes my job great

One of the best parts of my job is the people I get to work with. I have gotten to know some incredible people over the last three and half years.

I love the way people stay in touch even after the home buying process is finished. There is the great couple who dropped off a bag of cucumbers for me last summer. I made them in to pickles, and every time I open a jar, I think of Jay and Ann.

There is the couple who invited us to watch the annual Cheese Days parade from their new front yard. We had family over and couldn't go, but I really appreciated Nancy's invitation.

One former client who lives a few hours away called me today because a friend of his will be playing boogie woogie piano at Baumgartner's tomorrow evening, Saturday, February 21. Michael thought we might enjoy it, and he is right. That type of music is right up my alley.

Zoila and Mario bought Girl Scout cookies from my daughters, and I enjoy seeing their toddler grow up as we run into them around town.

I am truly lucky to have had so many wonderful people enter my life or to be able to get to know them better through the process of helping them buy or a sell a home. It really is one of the things that makes my job such a pleasure.

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