Monday, November 22, 2010

Parade Time

Thanksgiving week has many traditions.  Here in Monroe, one of our traditions is the Holiday Parade.

This is the ninth year for the annual parade, which features entries from area groups, businesses and individuals.  As in previous years, this is an evening parade giving the entrants an opportunity to shine - literally.  One of the traditions is the lighted entries.  Precision Drive & Control is once again providing electric generators for area groups who need a little help lighting up the night.  Many thanks to PDC for making the evening glow, and to Monroe Main Street for organizing the event.

The parade starts at 6 pm on Friday, November 26.  It runs a circle from the middle school parking lot, past Turner Hall, down 17th Avenue to the Square and back to the middle school.  Come early to pick up some hot cocoa or coffee from one of our downtown eateries to warm your hands during the parade.  If you have never been to the Holiday Parade, here is a snippet from last year's parade:

We hope to see you there!

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