Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Marley walks again this year

Monroe Theatre Guild has decided to take a year off from presenting A Christmas Carol, but Monroe Arts Center has picked up the reins.

This year, A Christmas Carol, will evoke the traditions of years gone by as a radio show production. This will be broadcast by Big Radio on December 24 and 25. There will be myriad audio and dramatic effects, just like the radio shows of decades past.

Interested in taking part? Auditions for the production will be held on September 10 from 6 to 8 pm, and on September 11 from 10 am until noon. All roles are open, and there is no restriction on age or experience. No memorization of the script is required, but you must possess a good speaking and character voice and have clear diction. Feel free to prepare multiple character voices and be prepared to read from the script provided.

Need more details? Give MAC a call at 325-6700.

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